Pier Vittorio Aureli – DOGMA
iris 24 maart 2015

Pier Vittorio Aureli is architect, lesgever en architectuurtheoreticus. Samen met Martino Tattara richtte hij in Brussel het bureau DOGMA op. DOGMA richt zich op “het project van de stad”, voornamelijk via grootschalige ontwerpen. Lesgeven, onderzoeken en schrijven zijn voor DOGMA onlosmakelijk verbonden met de architectuurpraktijk.

Aureli is momenteel actief aan de AA School of Architecture in Londen en aan de universiteit van Yale (VS). In 2011 verscheen bij AA Publications de monografie “DOGMA. 11 Projects.”


Dinsdag 24 maart 2015, 20u
Zebrazaal, Z33, Hasselt
Inkom 5 euro / 3 euro voor studenten

English version
Pier Vittorio Aureli (I) is architect, lecturer and one of the uppermost trendsetting present-day theoreticians on architecture. At this moment in time he works at the AA School of Architecture in London and at the university of Yale (US). At the Dutch Berlage-institute, where he was awarded his own PhD, he was responsible for the doctoral program City as a Project and for the research unit Labour, City, Architecture.

Together with Martino Tattara Aureli founded in 2002 the DOGMA bureau. DOGMA is seated in Brussels and directs itself to ‘city projects’ especially by focussing on large-scale projects. Teaching, designing and writing are for DOGMA inextricably linked to the practice of architecture. In 2011 AA Publications published the monograph DOGMA. 11 Projects.

Lecture in English
Tuesday March 24th, 2015
Zebrazaal, Z33, Hasselt
Entrance: 5 euro (2 drinks included). Students pay 3 euro.

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